Personal, social and health education

Role Models
A powerpoint on role models with different tasks getting students to think about what makes a positive or negative role model, examples of role models and the important characteristics. Ranking importance of characteristics and debating certain role models.

British Values Activity
Fill in the gaps activity, work sheet given and answers or clues around the room.

Saving, Needs & Wants
Full lesson, determining needs and wants and looking at bank accounts and how needs and wants change throughout life.

Contraception Lesson for Year 9
Lesson for teaching different types of contraception.
Word scrambles for each type of contraception and a worksheet to complete.
I used this for year 9 personal development lesson but could be used for any lesson or year.

Diet & Exercise - PSHE Lessons x2
2 Lessons on Diet & Exercise
Includes work sheets for exercise lesson.

CV Writing Qualities in Russian & Arabic
Key words that could be written in a CV in Russian and Arabic to support EAL students.